

What is it?
"Introducing the industry's eye print solution."  This app can make it possible to unlock your smartphone with your eyes. It is already possible to unlock your phone with your fingers (by iPhone 5S), but companies are thinking about something newer. And one of those ideas is to verify your phone with your eye. Every eye is different, just like every fingerprint. Your eye contains information about your whole body. The white of the eye has unique blood-vessels and smartphone-cameras can recognize those tiny signs. This means that EyeVerify is more save than a simple face-locker.

Why is it cool?
This scanner makes it possible to unlock your phone without touching it. It shows that there are a technological developments. I didn't know that a eye contains information about your whole body. I think that it is a great combination to connect the body with technology.

Why does it have future growth potential?
Because of the safety, people really want to keep their safety. That is really important. Also the combination between body and technology snows us that there is a lot possible. Do you have an android phone? You can try the app: Eyeprint App EyeVerify is a example of virtuality and involvement. Find more information overhere: eyeverify.com.

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